The word 'Spaniards' is a
proper noun, the plural form of the noun Spaniard; a word for the people of or from Spain; the name of a specific group of people.
Yes, the word Puerto Rico is a proper noun, the name of a specific place. Proper nouns are always capitalized.
spanish noun- eclipse verb - eclipsar
(as a noun) advertising == publicidad
The noun for "a hug" in Spanish is "un abrazo." It is pronounced "oon ah-BRAH-so." The word for "hug me" in Spanish is, "abrázame." It is pronounced, "ah-BRAH-sa-may."
Testificar (the verb "to witness"). Un testigo (noun: a witness).
sustantivo is the spanish word for explorer -- Google spanish English translation for an online translation site It's actually "explorador." Sustanvio is the spanish word for "noun"
The noun "dress" in spanish is "vestido"
In Spanish, tax (as a noun) is "impuesto".
spanish noun- eclipse verb - eclipsar
Cheap in Spanish is barato if you are describing a masculine noun and barata if you are describing a feminine noun.
Verb: Desaprobar Noun: Desaprobación
rabia (noun) rabiar = to rage
beso (noun) Besar (verb)
can (the verb) = poder can (noun) = lata or bote
verb: vomitar; noun: vomito
'hilo' (noun) 'enhilar' (verb)
graduado (noun) graduar (verb)
coastline (noun) litoral mrugged coastline (noun) = el litoral accidentado