Cincuenta is how you say "fifty" in Spanish.
"Have you seen Pedro?" in Spanish is "¿Has visto a Pedro?" It is pronounced "Ahs BEES-tow ah PAY-dro?" Please see this site for confirmation of the translation:
Es pelirroja, de cabello largo. *NEVER SAY: "cabello colorado" or "rojo".
True love never dies means "El verdadero amor nunca muere" in spanish
Actually neither.there is " I've never seen you wear it before".you may be thinking of : you have never worn that before. Or maybe: you havent wore that before.
Scout says she had never seen or heard of a turning movement at the trial before.
Te amo como nunca, saying before is redundant in spanish. So you basically just sayL I love you like never and the before is implied.
Scout says that she has never seen or heard her father acting strangely. She is glad when he returns to his normal behavior.
I have never seen you before.
¿ Lo has visto ?
Usted nunca ceires separarted de mi -- 'you never want to be apart from me'. Trust me, that is probably the only way to say it--some words in English you can not say exactly in Spanish. Of course there is a way to say it in Spanish and it has nothing to do with the answer before. you say: Yo nunca quiero separarme de ti"
well really paleontologist say that a dinosaur had a color we have never seen before a mix between purple and silver.-hope this helps.
Thousands of people have seen this movie.
Well if you have seen a pic of him, you could say I love your pics and your hot, but if you've never seen a pic of him before than you could talk about what you guys havein common and say you love that about him and you want to meet him Idk but if you do meet someone you dont know meet them in public I dont want to be the cause of anything bad.