Mapacheits pernounsed tla-qua-cheh for reals no lie wrong it is called mapache
There are the English (raccoon) and the Spanish (mapache) names for the same animal.
Sister in law in Spanish is cunada.
How to say "hi" in spanish is Hola. How to say "bye" in spanish is Adios.
Mapacheits pernounsed tla-qua-cheh for reals no lie wrong it is called mapache
Spanish: mapache English: raccoon
There are the English (raccoon) and the Spanish (mapache) names for the same animal.
Mapache is the Spanish word for raccoon. It derives fro the Aztec word for raccoon.
Quadi i don't know how to spell it but that's what they are called
In Spanish, raccoon is "mapache". In French, it is "raton laveur". In German, it is "WaschbΓ€r".
You spelt it correctly, the Spanish word for "Thank you".
Espero que hablé correctamente.
"Ustedes vinieron desde Mexico, verdad?"
Procyon lotor (mapache u oso lavador) ['pɾo.θjon, 'pɾo.sjon 'lo.toɾ] (Greek-Latin words)Proción o Procyon [pɾo.'θjon, pɾo.'sjon] (Alfa Canis Minoris). Una estrella en la constelación del Can Menor.