You Say "Jai Nurf Ans" pronunciation: Jay-Nerf-Onz (I Have Nine Years)
eighty eight = quatre-vingt-huit
There are two ways to say: 1886 in Frenchmille huit cent quatre-vingt-six (one thousand, eight hundred, eighty-six)dix-huit cent quatre-vingt-six (eighteen hundred, eighty-six)
Twenty-seven is "vingt-sept" in French, which is pronounced something like, "veh-set"
You can say : "Il est neuf heures."
we say neuf-cent quatre-vingt-neuf
Two hundred nineteen thousand, seven hundred eighty-nine.
In French, you would say "mille neuf cent quatre-vingt-dix-neuf" for nineteen ninety-nine.
quatre-vingt neuf
deux cent quatre-vingt-neuf
One hundred eighty-nine thousand, nine hundred.
One and nine hundred eighty-nine thousandths.
Eighty-nine and twenty-three thousandths.
Eighty six in French is "quatre-vingt-six."
One nonillion, nine hundred eighty-nine octillion, eight hundred eighty-one septillion, nine hundred eighty-nine sextillion, six hundred ten quintillion, two hundred ten quadrillion.
In Newspeak, it is part of the word "Crimethink", meaning illegal thoughts.