Collards (brassica oleracea) are callec "chou communs" in French. Collard greens or leaves would be "des feuilles de chou".
Fall season: otoño To fall (down or off something): caer I am falling: caigo
to say meatballs in french you say: boulettes
this is how you say it in french Sheila
Je suis bon à compter les jours
Leaves that fall: 落ちる葉 (ochiru ha) Leaves that are falling: 落ちている葉 (ochite-iru ha)
It is incorrect to say 'waters were falling down' because water is an uncountable noun. It does not have a plural form. So, the sentence will be 'water was falling down.'
tombe hors de l'amour
"Shed down" usually means to remove or discard something, such as shedding clothes or skin. It can also refer to the act of cutting or felling trees or plants.
You can say "se baisser" in French to mean bend down.
rosemary (a small bush with mall, odorant leaves) is 'le romarin' in French.
je tombe amoureux, je tombe amoureuse
"Je tombe déjà amoureux de vous."
The translation for "go down" in French is "descendre".