Su cara se parece a un burro.
mean isn't a word in spanish but caballo is horse in spanish which is what i think you are trying to get at so i suppose you want to say mean horse in spanish which would be caballo antipático Or on the other hand if your question is: what does caballa mean in Spanish? - Well a caballa is a type of fish.
You would say "âne" if the donkey is male and "ânesse" if it is female.
'como es escribe' is Spanish gibberish. "...como seescribe..." means " it is written..."If this is a question, its correct form is, "Cómo seescribe....?" It means, "How is ..... written?"
Donkey and anus
He called her a "burro" which is spanish for a donkey.
A horse is a mammal belonging to the Equidae family.
Viaja en el burro
burrito (little donkey), pronounced 'booRREEtaw'
A 'Donkey' is a four legged horse like animal. They can sometimes be named as 'mules' or 'asses'. In the Americas sometimes as 'burros'. They are very hard working animals, but can be very 'mule headed'.
I think by donkey, you mean @$$, as in rear end. If you do, you would say, "¿Que tan grande es tu culo?". If you are actually talking about a donkey, you would say the same thing, replacing "culo" with "burro"
I'd say an animal that has a head and neck shaped like a horse would be a donkey.
A sheep that say's, "bahhhhhh, eh oh" Lol, lmao, rofl,dasal,ssal, Get it, cos if you dont you should read it more carefully
Environmentalists say that environmental factors play greater role in a child's growth. And geneticists say hereditary factors are the determining factors. This is the debate between them. Geneticists say that you can't make a donkey a horse; donkey is a donkey and a horse is a horse. Environmentalists say," You are right. We don't try to make a donkey a horse; but we definitely can make the ordinary donkey a better donkey." So, the child in question is a human being. We can make them a better human being. This is what the progress is called. I am neither against environmentalists nor against geneticists altogether. I support them 50/50. Without heredity, environment can't develop a child. Without environment, heredity alone is just useless.
el caballo