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"Kenkouteki" is the proper way of saying it (pronounced: ken-koh-teh-kee), but you can also say "genki" which means "well" or "happy" (pronounced: gen-kee).

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Q: How do you say healthy in Japanese?
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How do you say not healthy in Japanese?

健康では無い (kenkou de wa nai)

Is Japanese food healthy?

It depends on how it is cooked and what is used in the recipe. For example, while sushi with... say salmon, cucumber and green onion will be counted as a fairly healthy option, eating too much tempura will be about as healthy as hamburgers.

How do you say healthy food in Japanese?

Oh, dude, you wanna sound all fancy and international, huh? Well, in Japanese, you say "healthy food" as "ε₯εΊ·ι£Ÿε“" which is pronounced as "kenkou shokuhin." So, like, next time you're ordering sushi or ramen, you can impress everyone by asking for some "kenkou shokuhin." You're welcome!

How do you say healthy eating in Japanese?

健康な食性 /ken kou na sho ku sei/.

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"Genki de itekudasai."gen-kee deh ee-teh-koo-dah-sigh

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