Samedi is how you say Saturday in French.
To say "happy Wednesday" in French say bon mercredi.
how do u say happy valentine day in french
Bonne course
Joyeuses Pâques
Samedi is how you say Saturday in French.
You would say "samedi prochain" in French to refer to next Saturday.
To say "happy Wednesday" in French say bon mercredi.
You can say "Je suis ravi(e) de l'apprendre." to say "happy to hear that" in French.
Samedi soir
to feel happy is 'se sentir heureux' in French.
It would be "Le samedi." However if you want to say next Saturday it would be "Le samedi prochain."
How to say on Saturday I went on a tour
"Bonaniversè" is how you would say Happy Birthday in Louisiana Creole French.
In French, you would say "le samedi" to mean "on Saturdays."
happy holidays - bonnes vacances