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Get dressed in Spanish is, ponerse la ropa.

Ponerse la ropa conjugated is:

  • I get dressed = me pongo
  • You get dressed = tepones
  • He gets dressed = se pone
  • We get dressed = nos ponemos
  • You all get dressed = OS ponies
  • They get dressed = se ponen
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Q: How do you say get dressed in spanish?
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How do you say im getting dressed in spanish?

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How do you say dressed in spanish?

vestida (feminineine) vestido (masculine) usually "v" is pronounces as "b" in English

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están muy bien vestidas (for female) están muy bien vestidos male

Next i get dressed in spanish?

luego me visto

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'emperifollada' = (an) elaborately-dressed woman

How do you say when do you get dressed in French?

"when do you get dressed?" is "quand est-ce que tu t'habilles ?" in French.

How do you say then i get dressed in french?

"Then I get dressed" in French is "Ensuite, je m'habille."

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The Crips used to refer to themselves as Cripples(later shortened to Crips) cause back in the day they dressed like pimps & walked with canes pretending they had a limp. So basically crippled in Spanish would be how u say Crip..... Lisiado Gangero(Crip Gang in Spanish)

What did the spanish explorers wear?

Armor and leather coats . long coats ... etc.

How do I say I get dressed in french?

Je me suis habilléhabillé.habilléhabillé.

What does the word vestido mean in spanish?

it depends on the context, it can me dress, clothes, covering, garment, or to get dressed.