Answer 1
Necesitas baรยฑarte/una ducha
Answer 2
It depends on what you are trying to say.
If you are telling someone that they need to take a shower (presumably because they are sweaty/disgusting and they need to clean up), you should say:
Formal: Necesita Ud. tomar una ducha. --OR-- Necesita Ud. ducharse.
Informal: Necesitas tomar una ducha. --OR-- Necesitas ducharte.
If you are telling someone that they must physically enter the shower stall (presumably because a lover is already inside or there is something placed there), you should say:
Formal: Necesita Ud. entrar la ducha.
Informal: Necesitas entrar la ducha.
Quiero tomar una ducha
Ducha Baño chubasco (shower of rain)
nececitas bañarte = you need to bathe
douche ; "se doucher" = "prendre une douche" = have a shower
Sister in law in Spanish is cunada.
'To shower' in Spanish is 'duchar.'
porque no necesito ducha
You say it "Estoy a punto de tomar una ducha."
"Do not use the bathtub or the shower" in Spanish is "No use la Tina o la ducha". It is pronounced "No OOH-say la TEE-na oh la DO-cha". Please see the Related link below for confirmation of the translation.
"Ducharse" means "to shower (oneself)" in Spanish
Quiero tomar una ducha
You could say "Entonces tomo una ducha" or "entonces ducharme".
Ducha Baño chubasco (shower of rain)
Not really:You could say "I will have a shower", if you are planning to have one; or you could say "I have had a shower" after you have finished. I f you are in the process of showering you would say "I am showering".
"Adios por ahora porque me voy a dar una ducha"