"I love to eat" in French is j'aime manger.
well done in french is: Bien fait.
Je mange des sandwiches
I think it is porter bien
to eat is spelled 'manger' in French
"Eat well!" in English means Bon appétit! in French.
To eat cheese is "manger du fromage" in French.
well in french u say OUT as DEHORS.....
"I love to eat" in French is j'aime manger.
Venez manger.(If you are talking to only one person, and you know them very well the you could say: viens manger.)
bien is the translation of well in French. Toi is the translation of you in French.
They have to eat (they must eat) is "ils doivent manger" in French. They have (something) to eat is "ils ont à manger".
to eat a lot is 'manger beaucoup' in French. Link goes to conjugation.
Well everybody has to eat, genius!
Its .. nous mangeons
it is vas mange