più vino per favore
the Italian cheese Parmigiana is spelled "parmesan" in French.
Wine cellar or Winery
Thanks for asking this! This give me an opportunity to answer my first question! Oh, right, the answer. You say "enjoy your coffee" in Italian like this:"gustare il vostro caffè" Thanks again!
To say fake in Italian you say finto.
Vino e formaggio is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "wine and cheese." The masculine singular phrase represents a rare instance where English and Italian phrase or sentence structure resemble one another most recognizably. The pronunciation will be "VEE-no ey for-MAD-djo" in Pisan Italian.
vino d'amore
pesche e vino
più vino per favore
the Italian cheese Parmigiana is spelled "parmesan" in French.
Red=RossoWine=VinoRed Wine=Vino RossoWhite wine=vino verde
"Wine" in English is vino in Italian.
A wine makers cheese!
Every wine has a suitable cheese to compliment it.
Sparkling Italian wine is called Prosecco.
The saying is, " Would you like some cheese with that wine " Saying- would you like some cheese, as in smiling, and wine, as in whining or crying. That's why people "eat cheese and drink wine" together.
The Italian word for cream cheese is philadelphia.