To say blue fish in Japanese you say ブルーフィッシュ.
Blue wolf is ao ookami in Japanese.
青 (ao)
'Blue moon' is translated as 青い月 (aoi tsuki) in Japanese.
To say blue fish in Japanese you say ブルーフィッシュ.
Blue wolf is ao ookami in Japanese.
If you are talking about Pokemon then Blue is a girl in the Japanese version and a boy in the English version.
It is uncommon for Japanese individuals to have naturally occurring blue eyes as it is not a common trait in the Japanese population.
青 (ao)
'Blue moon' is translated as 青い月 (aoi tsuki) in Japanese.
It is a portrait called 'Blue Boy'. Painted by Thomas Gainsborouh in 1770, this is usually what people mean when they say blue boy.
the cartoon? atom
Aoi me is how you would say 'blue eyes.' 青い目