There are actually many ways to say 'beauty' in Latin. These translations include pulchritudo, forma, decor, pulchritudo, species, decus, and formositas.
Pulchritudo (genitive: pulchritudinis).
To say "Who am I?" in Latin you can say "quisnam sum Ego?"
Pulcher (pulchra, pulchrum).
Grace, and Beauty. As well as Charisma...
Forma potens
Pulchra et bestia.
Dolor confirmat.
There are actually many ways to say 'beauty' in Latin. These translations include pulchritudo, forma, decor, pulchritudo, species, decus, and formositas.
Is qui dolorem affert.
Translating English words to Latin can be hard. Pain in Latin is dolor, morsus, poena, angor, ango, cruciatus, adflictio, poena, and afflictio.
In Irish it's "Is pian í an áilleacht"
Beauty from Pain was created on 2005-03-29.
The duration of Beauty Knows No Pain is 2700.0 seconds.
decor : beauty, grace.
Beauty Knows No Pain ended on 2010-08-10.