Kawaii is the Japanese word for cute, loveable, and adorable. To become kawaii, just be yourself and that will make you cute, loveable, and adorable.
Saku Saku are adorable panda-shaped cookies that are available in strawberry or chocolate. Japanese people love them because they're cute and delicious.
we say Nakagawa if we want to say inside in Japanese.
メロン is how you say melon in Japanese.
To say tennis in Japanese.........テニス
él es adorable is how you say that
They have adorable sushi erasers.
"eres adorable"
"elle a l'air adorable"
Eres tan adorable.
Salut: Tout simplement adorable.
Adorable is a cognate it is said like this in Spanish: adorable (ah-doh-rah-bleh)
ζγγγ (Airashii)
Kawaii is the Japanese word for cute, loveable, and adorable. To become kawaii, just be yourself and that will make you cute, loveable, and adorable.
Su/tu nino es adorable (Formal/informal)