¿Tienes alguna mascota?
This is how you say do you have any pets in Spanish. I hope this helps you. ( :
"You have my body."
It means "I love my pets".
You have brown hair.
Si tengo mascotas yo tengo tres gatos y dos perros.
Tienes un hermano in English means have a brother.
It means: Do you have pets?
All the number of pets you have.Analyse the example in Spanish:5 perros soncuantas mascotas tienes = 5 dogs is the number of pets you have.If it's a question: How many pets do you have? ---¿Cuántas mascotas tienes?But be careful, for: "¿Cuántas mascotas tienes? / Cuántas mascotas tienes" is not the same as "cuantas mascotas tienes"
"Tienes" is translated to "you have" and "digo" is translated to "I say" in English.
¿Qué mascotas tienes? or ¿Qué mascotas tiene Ud.? Both mean the same thing, however, the first one is said to a familiar person, while the second is used in polite address to a stranger.
it means either: "how far away you have pets", or "that you have pets far away"
Yo no tengo mascotas would be the best way to say "I do not have any pets" in Spanish.
Tomas, When you have
It means "Do you have a cellphone?"
Las mascotas son bonitasLas mascotas son preciosasLas mascotas son lindasLas mascotas son adorables (free translation)Puppy -> Dog -> Cachorro , perrito (a little dog)
I have is (yo) tengo You have is (tu) tienes
"You have the stapler."
"You have my body."