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If you are speaking to one person: pax tecum

If you are speaking to more than one person: pax vobiscum

These literally mean "May peace be with you"

Latin is much more strict, specific and consistent in its grammar than modern sloppy English, which seems to ignore singular and plural and correct verb forms.

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

Pax tecum - May peace be with you (Singular) Pax vobiscum - May peace be with you (Plural)

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โˆ™ 14y ago

Pacem in Terris

because the object of the preposition "in" takes the ablative in this case and peace should be in the accusative case.

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โˆ™ 14y ago

I have it as "securitas", but that may not be a literal translation.

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โˆ™ 12y ago

grace and peace

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How do you say peace in latin?

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"Peace" is an English equivalent of the Latin word "pax."Specifically and by extension, the word also may mean "calm, quiet, serenity" or "grace." The Latin word is a feminine gender noun. The pronunciation is "pahks" according to the liturgical Latin of the Church and the classical Latin of the ancient Romans.Peace

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A common symbol for grace is a dove, representing peace and purity. Another symbol for grace is a lily, which signifies elegance and beauty. Additionally, an olive branch is often used as a symbol of grace, symbolizing peace and reconciliation.

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