Cassandra was a Trojan, daughter of King Priam and blessed by the god Apollo with the gift of prophecy, but with the curse of never being believed. Captured by the Greeks after the the fall of Troy, she was taken back to Greece as a trophy by, I think, Agamemnon, and prophesied that he would die an agonising death. He had sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to get a favourable wind from the Gods to enable the Greek fleet to sail for Troy (initially to recapture the wife of his brother Menelaus - Helen - who had been abducted by the Trojan, Paris) 11 years earlier, and his wife Clytemnestra (who was also Helen's sister) had meantime taken a lover, Aegisthus, and the two of them murdered Agamemnon in his bath on his return. He had not believed Cassandra, however, who went mad.
Figuratively, a 'Cassandra' is someone who tells bad news (and is perhaps not believed).
I think the name is the same in Spanish.
It was also the pen-name of a 'Daily Mirror' (English newspaper) columnist of some repute in the 1940s/50s and perhaps beyond.
Cassandra. It is not a Japanese name, and will never be made into an actual Japanese word.
How to say "bell" in spanish is campana hoped that helped!
Adjective"Mean" as in the opposite of "nice" is "antipático(a)(os)(as)"Verb(to) mean (e.g. 'what does X mean in Spanish?') = significar/querer decir
No fue mi intencion.
Means accept or say yes
Cassandra was a prophet of doom from the Aeneid.
How to say "mean" in spanish is significar hope that helped!
- ¿Queria usted decir? Thats - Did you mean to say? - In Spanish
if i hade to say i would say there is none
Cassandra. It is not a Japanese name, and will never be made into an actual Japanese word.
Do you mean how you say it in Spanish? Because that would be cena. Supper is not a Spanish word.
Cassandra in French is pronounced "kas-sahn-drah."
You mean how to say language in Spanish? Idioma or Lengua. Most people say lenguaje now days.
Quetzal. If you mean Spanish to English then it is Quetzal.
you are mean to me = Eres cruel conmigo.