If the person or object is masculine - laid If the person or object is feminine - laide
You can say : "Betty la moche" But it is also called "Ugly Betty" in France...
le vilain canard
The French term for ugly is laid.
pourpre; but this is such an ugly word, most French people use VIOLET(TE).purpleadj (bluish) violet(te) , (reddish) pourpre
Tuna = le thon. "un thon" is also an offensive nickname for, so to say, ugly girls that you don't want to go out with.
You can say "J'ai les pieds moches" in French to say you have ugly feet.
You can say : "Betty la moche" But it is also called "Ugly Betty" in France...
qu'ils sont laids
le vilain canard
affreux (quite horrible) or 'moche' (colloquial)
To a girl: T'es laide.To a boy: T'es laid.
The French term for ugly is laid.
"Ugly lamp" in English is lampe laide in French.
Grosse fille laide (p.s. you could have checked google translate)
"Your mom is ugly!" in English is Ta maman est laide! in French.
I say if he is ugly his name is ugly