It is french and means "For you". It should not be hypenated, nor should the "toi" be capetalized. The proper writing is: Pour toi.
big kisses to you too my little flea(darling)
Decris-toi translated into English from French means"describe yourself".
closer to you
Jérôme, c'est pour toi is translated, 'Jerome, that's for you' (a phone call, a visitor) in English.
It is french and means "For you". It should not be hypenated, nor should the "toi" be capetalized. The proper writing is: Pour toi.
j'ai beaucoup de bisous pour toi = I have lots of kisses for you
big kisses to you too my little flea(darling)
Tu parles francaise? c'est "Pretty Boy" Bisous mais toi et moi non non non
Assieds-toi means "sit down" in English.
And you too is an English equivalent of 'Et toi aussi'.
'toi' is 'you' (singular and informal) in French.
And you.
Assieds-toi means 'sit down'.
Café de Toi in French means "Coffeehouse of You" or "Your Coffeehouse" in English.
from you
"Leve-toi" translates to "Get up" in English.