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Q: Do clock and rock rhyme with hot?
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Related questions

What rhymes with five o' clock?

"Dock" and "flock" are words that rhyme with "five o' clock."

What rhymes with as the clock is ticking?

Some words that rhyme with "as the clock is ticking" are "brick and sticking", "rock and kicking", or "sock and picking".

What rhymes with black rock?

Some words that rhyme with "black rock" are clock, dock, and block.

Are hot rhyme or not rhyme?

Yes, hot does rhyme with not.

What word rhyme with clock?

dock, flock, hock, lock, mock, knock, pock, rock, sock, shock, stock, schlock

What names rhyme with clock?


How do you chock?

Rhyme it with block or clock.

How do you say chock?

Rhyme it with block or clock.

Does any rock rhyme with billionaire?

No, "any rock" does not rhyme with "billionaire." I also don't think that there are any rock names that rhyme with the word "billionaire." Sorry.

Does out rhyme with hot?


What is the clock song that includes needing hands nursery rhyme?

The Clock - Nursery Rhyme with Lyrics & Sing AlongBe careful, I think this video repeats at least once!

Does box rhyme with rock?

No. Box does rhyme with rocks, though.