Word : Meaning
1. Suicide : or Selfcide (Killing of one self)
2. Fratricide : Frater means “brotherâ€, cide means “to kill†(Killing of one’s brother)
3. Sororicide : Soro means “sisterâ€, cide means “to cut or kill†(Killing of one’s sister)
4. Infanticide : Infant means “baby, new born baby†(Killing of an infant)
5. Mariticide : Maritus means “married†(Killing of one’s husband)
6. Uxoricide : Uxor means “wife†(Killing of one’s wife)
7. Parricide : (Killer of one’s close relatives)
8. Patricide : (Killer of one’s father)
9. Matricide : (Killer of one’s mother)
10. parenticide : (Killing one's parent(s)
11. Filicide , Prolicide : (Deliberate act of parent, killing of his or her own son or daughter)
12. Regicide : (Deliberate Killing of a monarch means (King, Queen, Emperor)
13. Genocide : (Killing of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group)
14. Homicide : Also called “Manslaughter†(Killing of another human being)
15. Amicicide : (Killing of a friend)
16. Femicide : (Killing of a woman)
17. Vaticide : Killing a prophet or poet
Word : Meaning
1. Suicide : or Selfcide (Killing of one self)
2. Fratricide : Frater means “brotherâ€, cide means “to kill†(Killing of one’s brother)
3. Sororicide : Soro means “sisterâ€, cide means “to cut or kill†(Killing of one’s sister)
4. Infanticide : Infant means “baby, new born baby†(Killing of an infant)
5. Mariticide : Maritus means “married†(Killing of one’s husband)
6. Uxoricide : Uxor means “wife†(Killing of one’s wife)
7. Parricide : (Killer of one’s close relatives)
8. Patricide : (Killer of one’s father)
9. Matricide : (Killer of one’s mother)
10. parenticide : (Killing one's parent(s)
11. Filicide , Prolicide : (Deliberate act of parent, killing of his or her own son or daughter)
12. Regicide : (Deliberate Killing of a monarch means (King, Queen, Emperor)
13. Genocide : (Killing of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group)
14. Homicide : Also called “Manslaughter†(Killing of another human being)
15. Amicicide : (Killing of a friend)
16. Femicide : (Killing of a woman)
17. Vaticide : Killing a prophet or poet
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There are a couple of words that rhyme with sorrow and tomorrow. Here is the list: borrow morrow
10 words that rhymes with BREATHLESS:kissmisshappinessgracefulnesshelpfulnessthisgodlessness'shisskindnessnicenessThe list goes on and on... (anything that has "...ness" behind it rhymes.)
Mineral Federal Literal For a list of many more words that rhyme with general, see the related link below.
Actually, there are no words that rhyme exactly with "blasphemy."
Following is the list of some words containing the suffix cide: avicide, germicide, insecticide, pesticide, fungicide, fratricide, patricide, matricide, sororicide, infanticide, feticide, homicide, regicide, canicide, felicide, mariticide , filicide or prolicide , genocide, femicide, vaticide, amicicide ,uxoricide etc.
homocide- death of a man regicide-death of a man
Quid, quip, quad, aqua.
autumn author fault sauce Australia Astronaut launch cause
some words include:pabulumspachadompachalicpachinkopachisispachoulipachucospacifiedpacifierpacifiespacifismpacifistpackablea full list of words beginning with P containing 8 letters can be found here (see related links), although this list doesn't include every 8 letter word containing the letter P.
small, large, extensive, comprehensive, public, private, technical, mobile, lending
No such comprehensive list exists.
No such comprehensive list exists.
If you want a comprehensive list, you can find one in any dictionary quite easily (if you understand alphabetical order). If you would just like to read a few such words, no problem. Inconceivable, inconvenient, inevitable.
Comprehensive list of synonyms for preparation, related words for preparation and other words for preparation by Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus.
You can find a list of open compound words in dictionaries, such as Merriam-Webster or Oxford English Dictionary. These dictionaries provide comprehensive lists of words and their definitions, including open compound words. You can also search online for resources that specifically focus on compound words.
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