No,unflushed toilents are not good.The unflushed toilet is not hygenic.
Put clear saran wrap over all of the toilets in the bathroom or vaseline the door handles?
¿En dónde está el sanitario / baño?
May I go to the washroom in french is: ``Est-ce que tu peut aller a la toilette?``
salle de bainssalle da bainsFormally, it's "la salle de bain", but I'm guessing they have colloquial terms for it, too, though I don't know what they'd be.salle de bain which translates to hall of bath and toilettes which obviously means toilets
Good morning = buenos días Good afternoon = buenos tardes
There are many places that offers toilets at a good price. Home Depot is one place that you can buy the toilets from. They are also available for you if you need to install the toilet.
Yes, macdonalds helped millions of people to have access of clean toilets! Their policies reuire very clean toilets!
Yes Spain has toilets.
Yes, there are toilets in Kenya.
Toilets can be found a bathroom.
Home Depot does have some good prices on toilets. I would recommend shopping around at local hardware stores to find the best price though.
Uh huh, especially if one wants to clean under them
adult toilets are big because their butts are bigger
It are depend on your grammar. If good then lots, not if you don't. You will good the job in cleaning toilets of music managements.
They sell toilets?
Coke can clean toilets
Toilets are known as latrines.