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OpinionNo, because they are very poor. OpinionThis question has been debated a long time. Bible scholars indicate, Yes, the poor without material goods are happier than rich who are prosperous. Social researchers and psychologists for over half of a century have concluded the same theory. Even today, many people say that "money doesn't buy happiness". Many once poor persons who have won millions in lotteries in the last 15 to 20 years have later lamented that they were happier before riches brought them unwanted attention and the lure of greed. Some of these new billionaires lost their winnings and returned to being poor, speaking then of their regrets of financial mismanagement. Therefore, some could conclude that the old adage "the grass is always greener on the other side", wherever you are, might be true when thinking about whether a poorer person is happier than a richer person.
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Q: Are poor people happier than rich people?
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Are burmese people rich or poor?

there are both rich and poor people in burma . but the majority of people are poor and they get less chance in studies and employment. Rich people are preferred in urban areas rather than poor people . some won't even allow poor people in enter a certain area. poor people are treated like trash. rich people are treated like kings.

What is the plot of My Father Goes to Court by Carlos Bulusan?

The characters are the young narrator, mother, father, brothers, sisters, rich man, servants, judge, lawyer, and policeman.

How many people have the name kristin?

more than 100,000 people.

Riddles for a friend?

I wont give you the answers but go to wiki answers and ask those riddle answers? 1. what is an 8 letter word with 1 letter in it? envelope 2. what is greater than god, lower than satan, richer than midas, poorer than the poor, the poor have it and the rich need it? 3. I turn polar bears white, i give dalmatians their spots. I make boys have to pee and girls brush their hair. I kill everything, and i give birth to everything. I give you $ and i take it away. What am I? 4. (this is easy) what is round on the egdes and high in the middle? 5. you are in a room with no mirrors. all there is is a mirror, a table. How do you escape? 6. I am a door. WHen I am locked, only one thing passes in and out as it pleases without the key. What is it? 7. A man rode to town on friday, stayed three days, than left on friday. horse was friday 8. WHen asked how to get to the bridge on the left, the answer was turn right. ENJOY

Which excerpt from Frankenstein best reflects the 19th-century concern about scientific discoveries pursued solely for personal fame?

"Learn from me... how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge, and how much happier that man is who believes his native town to be the world, than he who aspires to become greater than his nature will allow" (34-35)

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