is - a. Apa khabar? (What's news?) b. Apa macam? (How are you?). Note c is pronounced as ch in English c. Halo (same pronunciation as ) - Colloquial (As in a famous '60's Malay song - Halo halo kawan saya) Good bye is - a. Selamat jalan (Safe journey) Said to the person going b. Selamat tinggal (Safe or good stay) Said to the person staying behind c. Selamat malam (Safe or good night) Said for a short journey
bumi itu bulat karena bumi........?apa ayo BY:DIO AGUS MM2
1 metru cub (m3) = 1 000 litri (L); nu contează că este apă sau alt fluid, volumul este acelaşi, doar masa variază căci densităţile materialelor sunt diferite.
No. It is either italicized according to the APA rules (American Psychological Association) or underlined according to MLA rules (Modern Language Association), but never both.
"Translate English into Italian" in English is Traduca l'inglese in italiano in Italian.
ape kesan pancut air mani dalam mulut
One heart one soul. One heart one soul.
food and beverage artinya makanan dan minumandi Indonesia biasanya kata-kata ini digunakan di industri perhotelan dan restoran.
The phrase 'apa kabarnya juga' when translated to English is how do you do.
Kata 'mulut' dalam bahasa Inggris adalah mouth.
it means "it's ok, girl"
"Makanan pencuci mulut"
The phrase 'lagi apa' in English is: 'what are you doing?'.This is an informal and casual way to ask someone what they are doing at the moment. The formal way to say it would be: 'Apa yang sedang Anda lakukan?' or 'Apa yang sedang kamu lakukan?'.
how are you today
Apa kamu lihat-lihat dalam bahasa Inggris adalah, What are you looking at?