

Who are all the olimpus gods?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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14y ago

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there are 12 main gods and goddesses on mount olympus. there is Zeus (god of sky), Hera (goddess of maraige who is also queen of the sky - maried to zeus), Hephestus (god of machienery and fire), Apollo (god of song, music, Archery and the sun once Helios died), Artemis (twins with Apollo and goddess of archery too, hunt and the moon), Demeter (goddess of the harvest), Posieden (god of the sea), Aphrodite (goddess of beuty), Ares (God of War), Athena (goddess of wisdom and if needed war), Hermes (god of travel, theft, messangers and anything to do with the road). That makes 11. up until a point Hestia was also one (goddess of the hearth and family) but for piece resigned and gave her seat to Dionysus (god of wine). hope it helped!

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