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Q: Which model of democracy is most attractive and why?
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What is the model of democracy in which citizens take a more passive role in government and at most indirectly influence governmental policies?

That would be an INDIRECT DEMOCRACY. The most common forms of indirect democracy are Presidential Republics and Parliamentary Democracies.

What is the comparative and superlative to the word attractive?

more attractive and most attractive. You are more attractive than her. She is the most attractive woman I have ever met.more attractive.

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Earth is most attractive planet

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Most people would consider Sophie extremely attractive. She is a highly published swimsuit and glamour model.

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Beauty is subjective and what is considered attractive may vary from person to person. There is no universally "most attractive" language as preferences are personal and diverse.

What are the comparative and superlative forms of the word attractive?

more attractive and most attractive.

What kind of goverenment does England have?

The same as any other democracy. They produce a attractive manifesto get elected then do what they like.

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vegeta is the most attractive and the most hottest ooh yeah (that's my opinion)

Is it true that Athens these were models of freedom and democracy?

It was the model of a democracy for its citizens but not for others. It was not a model for freedom as it allowed slavery and the buying and selling of slaves for any purpose.

Are lebanese women attractive?

yes the most attractive

How can you make a model of plains more attractive?

Add buffalo.

What scent is most attractive to humans?

The scent that is most attractive to humans is that which comes from flowers.