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The Fallopian Tube (aka, Tuba Uterina) transports the Egg (Ova) to the Uterus.

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Q: Where does the ova go after traveling through the fallopian tube?
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Where the ova travel from the ovary?


What is the tube that provides pathways for the ova from the ovaries to the iterus?

The fallopian tubes function to provide a connection between the ovaries and the uterus. The ova travels through the fallopian tubes where occsional pregnancy may occur. The fallopian tubes are named after Gabriel Fallopius.

What do you call the tubes that catch ova from the ovary and conduct ova to the uterus?

The fallopian tube is the carrier. The uterus is not attached to the ovary but sits just beside it. When the egg is released, it is swept into the tube and the journey begins to the uterus.

What is the pathway of an ova through a female reproductive system?

An ova, or egg cell, is released from an ovary during ovulation and travels through the fallopian tube. If fertilized by sperm, the egg continues down the fallopian tube to the uterus where it may implant and develop into a pregnancy. If not fertilized, the egg is shed along with the uterine lining during menstruation.

The path the ova egg takes in fertilization is what?

The ova egg travels through the fallopian tube, where it may encounter sperm for fertilization. Once fertilized, the egg then travels to the uterus where it implants and grows into a pregnancy.

What movements aid an egg down the fallopian tube?

You can't actively "help" an egg move through the fallopian tube. It does it on it's own, regardless of what you do. I think what the question is asking is what part of the body. Although YOU can't, there are cilia that line the inside of the fallopian tube that help to guide it out.

Into what area is the ovulated cell released?

The "egg cell" or ova is released from the CL (corpus luteum). It is a mature, or Graafian follicle. This is then grabbed by cillia, small hair like projections that then move the ova to the ampulla and isthmus junction where fertilization takes place. In equine (horses), the ova is released from the ovulation fossa. Sorry for the misspellings. I took reproductive physiology in college, but it's been a while. EC

During sexual intercourse of men and women is the ova ejaculated from the vagina?

No. If the woman is ovulating the egg is in the fallopian tube and the sperm will swim there to fertilize it.

What is the function of fallopian tube?

The fallopian tubes serve as passageways for eggs to travel from the ovaries to the uterus. Fertilization typically occurs in the fallopian tubes when sperm meets the egg. The tubes also provide a conducive environment for early embryo development before implantation in the uterus.

What is the site of fertilization in human beings?

In humans, fertilization or union of gametes (sperm and ova) occurs in the anterior part of oviduct and zygote is formed

What is responsible for carrying an ovum to the uterus?

oocytes are carried to the uterus by villi all moving in one direction.

Where does the ova become a zygote?

It's fertilized in the ampulla of the Fallopian tubes