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The Treaty with Britain split the Oregon Territory in half at the 49th parallel. This is why we have an almost straight line above the state of Washington.

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Q: What was the result of the treaty concerning the Oregon territory?
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What agreement did Great Britain and the US make in the 1820s concerning Oregon?

The US and Canada signed the Oregon Treaty to end their dispute about the boundaries of the Oregon territory. It set the borders for Canada and the US.

Which contries claimed the Oregon territory as a result of the Adams-onis treaty?

The United States and Great Brittain -NovaNet

What treaty did the us sign to get the Oregon territory?

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Oregon Countrythe Oregon Countrythe Oregon Country

In 1846 the dispute the over Oregon territory was settled when?

when the Oregon treaty was signed.

What treaty did James K. Polk sign with Britain in 1846?

This was the Oregon Treaty which established the boundary between the Oregon Territory and Canada.

What is the Oregon treaty?

It is a Treaty betwee Great Britain and the US that establishes the border between Canada and the US in what was then called the Oregon Territory.

Did President Polk create the Oregon territory in 1848?

Not exactly. He negotiated a treaty with Britain that established the disputed northern boundary of the Oregon Territory, but the territory already existed.

What year did the US obtain Oregon Territory in a treaty with Britain?


When was the 1864 dispute over Oregon Territory settled?

The Oregon Treaty was signed on 15 June 1846.

What nations signed a treaty in 1818 to create joint control of the Oregon territory?

United States and Great Britain jointly controlled the Oregon territory.

What countries claimed the Oregon territory as a result of Adams-Onis treaty?

Russia,France,Great Brittian,and the United States