Please examine this coin to determine national origin and then submit a new question concerning it.
It should be valued at $15 - $30 depending on the condition of the coin.
An 1838 one-cent coin can be worth about $50 when in fair condition. If the coin is in excellent condition, it can hold a value of over $1000.
A 1984 Chevrolet Impala 4 door, V-6 engine with AC in average condition could be worth $2600.
I assume your coin is from Italy, as they were one of the few countries that used the Lira as their currency unit. You'll need to supply the coin's date and something about its condition before anyone can try to put a value on it. it depends what it looks like
The 1645 Florin British coin worth $1400 US dollars in good condition. In a fair condition, the coin can be worth $400 US dollars, depending on silver content value.
Depending on the actual grade, values are $20.00-$30.00 if the coin grades at F-12 or below.
Below the grade of G-4 the coin should sitll be worth $3.00-$5.00
You'll need to have the coin examined by a dealer. Even in poor condition, 1895 is a key year. Depending on the coin's mint mark it could be worth as much as $200 at retail.
A coin in fair condition is a 2 on a 1-70 scale, so it would probably be worth 1 or 2 cents.
Assuming no mint marks and the coin shows heavy wear values are $17.00-$20.00 RETAIL
The value of a 1964-65 Wonderful World of Scouting coin from the World's Fair can vary depending on its condition and rarity. In general, these coins can fetch anywhere from $10 to $50 in the collector's market. It's best to have it appraised by a coin dealer or expert to get an accurate assessment of its value.
condition???the condition is fair