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alot! I give $32 for each one I buy. Wanna sell?

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Q: What is the value of 1983 Libertad Onza Brilliant Uncirculated?
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When was Vanessa Libertad Garcia born?

Vanessa Libertad Garcia was born on October 17, 1983, in Los Angeles, California, USA.

What is the value of uncirculated one dollar bills signed by Lloyd Bentsen 1983 series?

worthless site wastes time

Zambia 1983 two ngwee coin worth?

The highest collector's value of this coin would be about 75 cents, in perfect uncirculated condition.

What is the value of a 1983P Kennedy Half dollar?

It is not silver and likely only face value. But, a uncirculated half dollar dated 1982 or 1983 may be worth a little more to a collector or dealer because the Mint did not issue uncirculated coin sets (called Mint Sets) in 1982 & 1983 and Mint State coins of those years are popular among collectors.

What is the value of a 1983 US cent?

Unless it's uncirculated, it's worth exactly one cent. An uncirculated one might sell for 15 to 50 cents depending on its quality. Billions were minted so they're anything but rare.

What is the value of a 1983 1984 1985 British One Pound coin?

Please ask one question at a time in the format - "What is the value of a 1983 British One Pound coin?" These coins are still potentially in circulation so, unless they are part of a Proof or uncirculated mint set or are individual Proof or uncirculated coins and in absolute mint condition, they are worth One Pound.


a quarter

What is the value of a 1950 union bank of Scotland one pound note?

A 1983 Bank of Scotland £1 note is worth $14 in uncirculated condition ($4 in Very Fine). A ROYAL bank of Scotland 1983 is worth $20 (VF: $6)

What is the value of a 1983 British Two Pound coin?

A British 1983 Two Pound (Proof in gold FDC), uncirculated and in absolute mint condition could fetch up to £250 GBP. A reputable coin dealer will be able to give a more accurate valuation.

What is the value of a 1983 Bailiwick of Guernsey 20 Pence coin?

These coins are still potentially in circulation so, unless they are part of a Proof or uncirculated mint set or are individual Proof or uncirculated coins and in absolute mint condition, they are worth 20 Pence in Guernsey. A Bailiwick of Guernsey 1983 cupro-nickel 20 Pence coin (heptagonal), uncirculated and in absolute mint condition could fetch up to £1 GBP. A reputable coin dealer will be able to give a more accurate valuation.

What is the value of a 1983 Mexican 500 Peso note?

Mexico re-valued it's currency in 1992, with 1000 Peso becoming 1 Peso. A 500 Peso note from 1983 is therefore only worth 0.5 Peso ($0.04). A perfect mint condition uncirculated 1983 500 Peso would be worth about $4 to a collector.

How much is 1984 quarter worth?

25 cents. 1984 is not an especially valuable coin unless it is a proof coin.