The meaning of the name Oscar is that person is very beautified and is very masculine at the same time. They are something like a metro sexual person.
Otto is a palindrome meaning a name between Oscar and Ovid
Oscar Shaw's birth name is Oscar Schwartz.
Oscar Righini's birth name is Righelli, Oscar.
Oscar Sainz's birth name is Oscar Luis.
Oscar Lagerstrom's birth name is Oscar Edmond Lagerstrom.
Oscar Lewenstein's birth name is Silvion Oscar Lewenstein.
Oscar Ljung's birth name is Oscar Albin Ljung.
Oscar Rundblom's birth name is Oscar Benjamin Rundblom.
Oscar Isaac's birth name is Oscar Isaac Hernandez.
Oscar Gamble's birth name is Oscar Charles Gamble.
Oscar Amundsen's birth name is Oscar Amund Amundsen.
Oscar Damiani's birth name is Giuseppe Oscar Damiani.