1925 is a common date for Mercury dimes, assuming it has no mintmark and is circulated the retail value is $3.00-$5.00 for a coin in average condition.
Yes. The 1962 Roosevelt dime is 90% silver.
There is 2.25 grams of silver in a 1960 dime.
There is no silver in a 1990 US dime.
A dime minted in 1925 has an image of a person resembling the roman god Mercury. Whaddaya mean "What does it look like?"
There are 2.25 grams of silver in a 1935 silver dime. It is made of 90% silver and 10% copper.
A 1964 dime contains about 2.5 grams of silver.
A 1964 dime is made of 90% silver and 10% copper, known as a "silver dime" because of its silver content. These dimes were the last to be minted with silver before the composition changed to a copper-nickel alloy in 1965.
The weight is 2.50 grams and it's 90% silver.
If it's a US dime dated 1964 or before it's silver
No Copper-nickel clad Copper 1 Dime "Roosevelt Dime" 1965-2017 1946-1964 Silver (.900)