

Is medal a noun

Updated: 9/18/2023
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13y ago

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Yes, or a verb.

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Q: Is medal a noun
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Is medal a proper noun?

no medal is not a proper noun cuz proper nouns are thins that begin with a capitol letter for example a name.

Is medal a comman noun?


Is medal a direct or indirect object?

The noun medal can be the direct or the indirect object of the sentence. For example: Direct: He gave the medal to her. Indirect: His mom praised him for his winning medal.

Is gold medal a proper noun?

The noun 'medal' is a common noun, a general word for a metal disk with an inscription or design, made to commemorate an event or awarded for distinction in an event or a field.Proper nouns are the unique names of people, places, or things; for example, The National Defense Medal of France (Médaille de la Défense nationale) or Gold Medal Flour.

How do you say 'gold' in French?

Gold is "or" (masculine noun) in French. A gold medal is "médaille d'or"

Is award a concrete noun?

The award itself (a medal, a ribbon, or a cash payment) is concrete. The honor it represents is an abstract noun.

What is the English translation of the French phrase 'médaille d'or'?

"Gold medal" is an English equivalent of the French phrase médaille d'or.Specifically, the feminine noun médaille is "medal." The preposition de means "of." The masculine noun or translates as "gold."The pronunciation will be "mey-deye dor" in French.*The vowels drops - and is replaced by an apostrophe - before a noun whose spelling begins with a vowel.

What is the plural of medal?

Medal is the plural of Medal!

Is the word feat a verb?

Feat is not a verb. Feat is a noun, as in, "He has accomplished a great feat by winning a gold medal in the Olympics." A synonym of feat is achievement.

What is the correct possessive form for the word 'cyclist'?

The possessive form of the noun cyclist is cyclist's.Example: The cyclist's medal was proudly worn for the photographers.

What is an Olympic medal?

particiapation medal 1medal 2 medal 3 medal

Is silver medal or non-medal?

A silver medal conventionally, is for second place. So it is a medal