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Q: If 'shobe' is a Chinese term for little sister then what is for big brother?
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If 'shobe' is a Chinese term for little sister then what is for big sister?

小妹妹/Xiǎo mèimei is "little sister". 大姐姐/Dà jiě jie is "big sister"

What does shobe mean in Chinese language?

"Shobe" is not a recognized term in the Chinese language. It is possible that it may be a typo or a slang term.

What is the meaning of Shobe?

"Shobe" does not appear to have a widely recognized or definitive meaning. It may be a name or term used in a specific context or language. More context would be needed to provide a more accurate interpretation.

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Matt Shobe has written: 'JavaScript for Macintosh'

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