24 administrative units (called: Oblast') plus Autonomous Republic of Crimea.
There are 24 regions (or oblasts) and 2 municipalities in Ukraine.
There are 25 states (24 provinces and 1 autonomous region) that comprise the Ukraine. See the link below.
Ukraine is not the United States. It has no founder
how many cities does ukraine have
Ukraine trades with Italy, China, Turkey, Poland, Russia, Germany, and the United States.
We say "the US" or "the USA", because US stands for United States, and USA stands for United States of America. We would (and do) say "the United States" and "the United States of America", so we say "the US" and "the USA". For some reasons, Americans used to say "the Ukraine", and I cannot explain that. When Ukraine became a separate country, we had to learn to refer to it as simply Ukraine and not the Ukraine.
There are 459 cities in the Ukraine.
Yalpug lake is the largest lake in the Ukraine.
Ukrainian is the official language of Ukraine. It is also spoken by Ukrainian diaspora communities in countries such as Russia, Poland, Canada, and the United States.
No, there is no tornado in Ukraine.
The flag of Ukraine has 1 line of symmetry.