

How does Odysseus free Helen of troy?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: How does Odysseus free Helen of troy?
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Why is Odysseus in Troy?

Odysseus was in Troy because the Greeks were having a war with the Trojans. Paris, a Prince of Troy, has "stolen" King Meneleus's (of Sparta) wife, Helen.

Did Helen and Paris survive the Trojan wars?

Helen was captured by the greeks during the sack of troy and was given back to menalaus, paris was kiled before the sack of troy by Odysseus

Who are the main characters in the story of troy?

Helen, Paris, Hector, Odysseus, Achilles, Agamemnon and a wooden horse.

Why did Odysseus go to the Trojan war?

Helen was one of the most beautiful women in the world and had many suitors. When she chose to marry Menalaus, her father asked all the other suitors (including Odysseus) to support the marriage rights of her choice. The story goes that, after some years of marriage, Helen ended up in Troy. At that time, Menelaus asked Odysseus and the other suitors to help him bring Helen back from Troy. After the war was won, Helen and Menelaus reunited.

Who found Helen during the battle of troy and returned her to menelaus?

Nobody killed her. She went back to Menelaus.

Who noticed Telemachus' tears and said he looked like Odyseus?

Telemachus was the son of Odysseus and Penelope. It was Helen of Troy who noticed the tears of Telemachus and told him that he looked like Odysseus.

Who is troy from the book Odysseus?

In the book "The Odyssey" Troy is the city that Odysseus was attacking.

Why was Helen of troy called as Helen of troy?

because she cheated on her husband with the prince of troy

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Menelaus - Husband to Queen Helen of Troy.

Script for role playing of Helen of troy?

the script of helen of troy

Is Helen of troy a queen?

Yes, Helen of Troy was Queen of Sparta.

What is the mission of Odysseus in going into Troy?

Odysseus is a soldier who must fight in the Greek army at Troy.