

How does Odysseus approach Arete?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: How does Odysseus approach Arete?
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How does Odysseus approach Arete in book 7?

Odysseus approaches Queen Arete in Book 7 of the Odyssey with humility and respect. He appeals to her for help and seeks her guidance in order to facilitate his journey back home. Odysseus recognizes her wisdom and authority, and presents himself as a supplicant in need of her assistance.

Who tells Odysseus that he should address himself to the queen of the phaeacians?

Athena instructs Odysseus to seek the queen of the Phaeacians, Arete, for help and protection when he arrives in their land. She advises him to approach Arete because she is kind and wise, and her favor would grant him safe passage from the Phaeacians.

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Arete was the personification of living up to one's potential. With role models like Perseus, Theseus and Odysseus, that was a tall order to fill.

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That Odysseus rest one more day before he leaves for Ithaca

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Nausikaa princess of Phaeacians is the daughter of King Alkinous and Queen Arete of Phaeacians who assisted Odysseus for his safe return home.

What is the difference between the way Odysseus greats nausicaa and the way he greets arete?

he greets Nausicaa in more of a flirty manner, where as he greeted Arete in more of a respectfully humble way. He knew she had power, being that her husband was the king, so he respected as so.

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Ajax won't approach Odysseus because he killed himself and died. There is no way for him to speak because he is already dead.

Why might it be that Odysseus has to gain the goodwill of Arete in order to be further along his Way homeWhat lesson of ancient Greek society is encapsulated in this vignette?

Odysseus seeks Arete's favor because she holds significant influence in Phaeacia where he currently finds himself. In ancient Greek society, gaining the favor of influential women like Arete was crucial as they often held political power behind the scenes. This vignette reflects the importance of wit, charm, and diplomacy in navigating societal structures to achieve one's goals.

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When was Princess Arete created?

Princess Arete was created in 2001.

What is the duration of Princess Arete?

The duration of Princess Arete is 1.75 hours.