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When used in medical terminology, such as when a doctor is examining a patient, "not appreciated" means that they could not find or locate something.

If a doctor were to say "pedal pulse on left foot was not appreciated", that would mean that the doctor could not locate, feel, or hear the pulse on the left foot.

That does not mean it is not there, but simply that the doctor him or herself could not locate it.

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Lulu Pfannerstill

Lvl 10
2y ago
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Ahmad Grant

Lvl 10
2y ago

When used in medical terminology, such as when a doctor is examining a patient, "not appreciated" means that they could not find or locate something.

If a doctor were to say "pedal pulse on left foot was not appreciated", that would mean that the doctor could not locate, feel, or hear the pulse on the left foot.

That does not mean it is not there, but simply that the doctor him or herself could not locate it.

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jeremy dwight

Lvl 2
8mo ago

Appreciation is an unnecessary and confusing terminology used by some doctors that simply indicates that that they have heard or found something on clinical examination. It seems to arise in medical schools where students unwilling to commit themselves to whether a clinical sign is present try to disguise the fact with this bizarre use of the English language.

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Lvl 1
4y ago

Don’t know

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