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Not normally. If your child needs diapers at school and cannot change himself, you will normally have to have special help worked out with the school under the American Disabilities act. You and the School will work out having a special education type worker assigned to do this task. However, it normally isn't the nurse who dose it.

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Q: Would school nurses change diapers in grade school?
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What are some opinions on kids wearing diapers to school so they won't have to leave class to use the restroom?

I think diapers anytime should be acceptible, I think it would be much less a distraction to just wear them to school or work. Provisions would have to be made for times and places to change but overall I think it would offer another solution to bathroom breaks.So you don't have to get in trouble.Bathrooms at school are not nice to go to. The kids do not flush the toilets so the kids who use that toilets next get a surprise. The people who clean the bathrooms go and tell the principal.I have to wear diapers in school. I dont have a choice. If you can use the toilet then do so.

Should kids be kept in diapers through high school?

Unless there is a medical reason why this would be necessary, no.

Who functions as school health personnel?

If a school has health personnel, an R.N would be the most likely one.

How much would it cost for a month's supply of disposable diapers for 3 month old babies?

In a day ,considering you change your babies diapers 5 times a day ,you would require around 150 diapers a month.A good brand like pampers would cost you anywhere bw 40-45 $ a month.

Is it ok for my 12 year old son to wear star diapers and he wants me to change him?

I would guess that if CPS found out, you would have big problems, unless you can prove a medical need for the diapers and that he is incapable of changing them himself.

What is an assistant nurse?

There is no such thing as an assistant nurse. There are CNA's and assistive hospital personel. CNA stands for Certified Nurse Assistant. Though these people are not nurses they do aide nurses a great deal. They have a few months of training and a certificate to do the job that they do. Mostly, they record vitals for the nurse (pulse, blood pressure, temp, ect.), they make beds, give bed baths to patients, change diapers, feed patients, and help move patients. With out these people nurses would have too much work to do, so RN's are respectful of them.

What are the disadvantages of online nursing school?

Online nursing school would not give you the hands on training that a standard nursing school would provide. Standard schools have labs times in which the nurses receive beneficial hands on practice.

What would a new parent dread having to do?

- change diapers -feed the baby -stay up all night -spend money

If you were doing a science fair project on diapers what would you do?

I would do a project about disposable diapers in landfills and how long it takes for them to biodegrade.

What are some top brands for baby diapers?

GetDyper. has mastered diapers! Their bamboo diapers are softer to the touch and smooth to the skin, which is exactly what your baby deserves. These diapers are twice the absorbency as traditional diapers and hypoallergenic & antibacterial. ht tps://

Which are more expensive cloth diapers or disposable diapers?

Cloth diapers are more expensive but in the long run disposable diapers will usually cost more to you.Cloth diapers you only probably need to buy about 15 in a life time, but they are a pain to clean and change, and they leak more often than a disposable diaper. Also they can sometimes run your water bill really high depending on how you clean them, and a cloth diaper takes longer to change and must be changed quickly or the diaper will leak and smell. Disposable diapers can also leak sometimes but are less likely to. You can buy them in bulk for a cheap price too. They are easier to change and depending on the brand can hold in more waste for longer( like over night disposable diapers unlike cloth diapers because if your baby goes potty while sleeping, you are pretty much guaranteed a leak). I would recommend you buy disposable.

How do you get your aunt to buy you diapers?

I'm guessing you want her to buy diapers for your baby. In that case, you could try appealing to her soft spot for the baby. Maybe mention how much more comfortable the baby would be if you could afford to change it more often.