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to get an NVQ level 3 in Health and Social Care is extremely hard work. i have been studying for the past 2 years at distinction level and is one of the hardest things i have ever done.

to go straight into level 3 you will need 5 GCSEs graded a*- c

if you do not ave the 5 GCSEs including maths and science you will need to start at a lower level based on your GCSEs which is either level 1 or 2 and you will need to do your maths and science again. Whilst on Level 1 or 2 if you didnt get a c or higher in maths or English you will HAVE to do retake an exam to pass them but this is only equivilent to Level 2 Qualification though so could reduce your chance to go to uni so the best advice is GET YOUR GCSE IN MATHS AND SCIENCE.

if you start on level 1 or 2 they are both a extra year added on so you will need to be prepared for alot of extra study if you didnt get your GCSEs.

anyway whilst on a level 3 course it lasts 2 years. you will study 18 different units. each unit is something totally different. examples include:

Equality and diversity

Communication in health and social care

anatomy and physiology

social care

personal and professional skills

this course is equivilent to 3 a levels. an a level pass is an E but to get into any university you will need at least 3 avels graded c or above.

health and social care is a hard course and is placement and coursework so isn't for the faint heated!

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