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Q: Would a patient be counseled or councilled to get help?
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Would a patient be councilled or counseled to get medical help?

The answer is Counselled, which means 'advised' Councils are a sort of committee that decide things and exercise power, such as a Town Council or the Medical and Dental Council.

How do you improve doctor patient relationship?

I assume it would help if you understand the medical procedures going on. I would say to read the book "You, The Smart Patient."

When should implied consent apply?

Implied consent applies to the unconscious patient - if the patient were conscious they would want your help.

How does gloucose help patient?

It will help if the patient has low blood sugar.

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What are the functions and roles of a witchdoctor?

They would cast spells and curse and also mix potions to help their patient

What does setup mean in occupational therapy terms?

I am a PTA from the south and we do not use set up help to document a patient's support. It is a nursing or an occupational therapy terminology but I do know it means to prepare the area for the patient prior to ADL's like eating, bathing, transfers or dressing. For instance, you may have a patient who has difficulty opening up a milk carton or has to be positioned in their bed prior to eating but does not need help eating their food. If a therapist just assist with opening up their milk cartoon and positioning the patient so he or she can reach their food would be set up help for eating. Or you may have a patient that is unable to propel their own wheel chair to get in their bed but if I was push the wc chair close to the bed, the patient would be able to get out of their chair into their bed. That would be set up help with transfers. I did not help the patient get out of the chair into the bed, I just placed the wheel chair close to the bed to help set the patient up. Hope that makes sense and helps.

What type of ion would you want to administer to a patient whose blood pH is 6?

You would want to administer bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) to help increase the pH of the patient's blood. Bicarbonate acts as a buffer and can help restore the blood pH to a normal range.

What would you do if your patient says he does not like you?

Help them find a new practioner that they are more comfortable with. Let's face it, not all of us get along with everyone else, if this is a doctor/patient relationship it is important for the dr and the patient to trust each other.

What all equipment does a physical therapy center need?

Physical therapist should be able to be sociable and very patient. They should be able to understand their patient's problems and be easy to work with.

What help is available to a traveling oxygen therapy patient?

Home health care companies can help the patient make travel plans, and can arrange for oxygen when the patient arrives at his or her destination.

What would you do if you found a patient collapsed on the floor while cleaning in a hospital?

obviously turn off the water if its on. call 911 immediately. check to see if patient is breathing and has a pulse. If not initiate CPR. also, do not move patient as there could be neck or spinal injury. wait for paramedics to arrive.