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Q: Will urine be dark brown after an iron infusion?
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What color does iron turn your urine?

dark urine

What kind of material rust?

Iron or materials containing iron will rust into oxides, either Fe2O3 (light brown) or Fe3O4 (dark brown).

How do you get shine off iron dark clothes?

Wash them and when you iron afterwards lay a sheet of brown wrapping paper between the iron and clothing.

What does it means if your period is dark?

It's the iron pills. Iron pills can also make your urine quite dark. Drink lots of water. Nothing to worry about.

Why are some rocks orange?

If a rock has iron in it, the iron can rust when exposed to air and moisture. That will look brown or dark orange.

What is an anthophyllite?

An anthophyllite is a dark brown amphibole mineral, a mixed silicate of iron and magnesium.

Is dark brown poop a sign of pregnancy?

No, it can be a sign of dehydration/too much iron.

What element is principally responsible for making olivine pyroxene amphibole and biotite dark?

Iron is principally responsible for making olivine, pyroxene, amphibole, and biotite dark in color. Iron impurities in these minerals can give them a dark green, black, or brown coloration.

Why is my period Dark brown and very very light?

you don't have enough iron so take some iron tables after a meal

Why do you i feel worse after an iron infusion?

Each person is an individual and there is no documented reason why a person would feel worse after an iron infusion other than your body trying to adjust to the higher levels.

What is the dark brown ring around sink drain?

It is either Magnesiun oxide or Iron oxide

What is a biotite?

A biotite is a variety of dark brown mica, a mixed aluinosilicate and fluoride of potassium, magnesium and iron.