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women have about half the red blood cells as men, so they have less hemoglobin

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Q: Why is hemaglobin lower in women?
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Related questions

Which body system cobtains hemaglobin?

Hemoglobin is primarily found in the circulatory system, specifically within red blood cells. It plays a crucial role in transporting oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body and carrying carbon dioxide back to the lungs for exhalation.

Why are you so tired even after 8 hours of sleep?

Could be you are anemic...have your hemaglobin checked out

What in your blood work would tell you if your anemic?

A CBC will have the values for your Hemaglobin and Hematacrit. That is the value that needs to checked for anemia.

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Their parents.

What did the women in the lower classes wear?

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Can a sudden increase in sexual behavior cause lower abdominal pain in women?

A sudden increase in sexual behavior can cause lower abdominal pain in women. This is if they do things too fast.

What best describes a different between upper and lower class women during the industrial revolution?

Answer this question… Upper-class women rarely had jobs outside the home, while lower-class women frequently held factory jobs.

What best describes a difference between upper- and lower-class women during the Industrial Revolution?

Answer this question… Upper-class women rarely had jobs outside the home, while lower-class women frequently held factory jobs.