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what is a choochie? was that the persons name out of happy days? what is a choochie? was that the persons name out of happy days?

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Q: Why does blood come out your choochie when your on your period?
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How do you make your period stop for one day?

sorry there is no way to stop your period .Your period is for you blood to come out so you need that blood to come out if you stopped your period that would be very unhealthy.

What is wrong with you when you're on your period and the blood doesn't come out?

If there is no blood then you are not menstruating.

How come every time you have your period there is more discharge then blood?

Some mucus will come out with the blood. It is regular.

What hole does your period blood come out of after childbirth?

Your period comes out if your uterus into the cervix

What is it called when blood come's out of a female's vagina?


What is always in front of you but can never be seen?

Choochie man

What hole does the blood from a period come out of?

The blood from a period comes out of the vagina. The shedding of the uterine lining and blood occurs through the cervix and out of the vagina during menstruation.

Where does blood come out of when you start your period?

Blood comes out through the vagina during menstruation.

You have started your period and it has brown particle mixed in with the blood Why?

it is just a darker older blood that has not come out fresh like the red blood... it is nornmal

Why are women's periods blood?

Because the egg in "there" is surrounded by blood to protect it and when girls have their period, the blood is the blood protecting the egg and the egg is coming out with it for a new egg to come.

Is a period blood?

a period is blood

What does it mean when you pee and blood comes out?

your period had come and tell your parents to get the supplies u need ;)