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Q: Why do men look at womens hands?
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Do all men look at other womens asses when they are out with their wives?

No, but most of them.

Why do woman look at mens crotches?

The same reason men look at womens chests i would imagine. Sexual attraction.

Why does woman look at men's hands?

to see if they are married or not

Why do teenage boys' hands seem to have swollen when it's summer and sometimes look as big as adults men's hands?

When the temperature is hot, a teenage boy's hands may swell because of the heat. Sometimes in the summer when the boy's hands swell, they will look as big as adult men's hands.

Has mens fashion changed like the womens has?

men's fashion changes like womens every season u just have to look out for it in magazines. "in stuff" will be in shops soo just look in them. Hope this helps :)

How can you tell the difference between briefcases for men and briefcases for women?

One way to tell the difference between men and womens briefcases is that womens usually cost more. Although they may look a lot alike, womens briefcases tend to have hidden compartments for things such as makeup, mirrors, clothing, and even shoes.

Do men uggs fit like womens uggs?

no. mens feet are smaller in womens so if you are a five in men shoes your a seven in women

Can men collect womens clothes?

Yes, men can collect women clothes.

What is best men or women?

Womens sometimes mens

What is men favorite part of a womens anademy?


Are womens more attracted to tall men?

Its not about looks...........

Where can you buy men's thongs?

just wear womens