Answer The colour can be red/pink/brown and it can be a spot or blood in discharge really. It can be stringy or thick. Hope I help Pink Princess
Light brown is old blood hun. This can be a sign of pregnancy or caused by a hormonal imbalance. I would do a pregnancy test and if it is negative see your doctor about a blood test.
Light red
It means that you should probably see a doctor.
Yes, I had a miscarriage and right before I had started to spot brownish tinted blood.
AnswerIts just a bit of blood really maybe a spot of blood or blood in discharge 1 in 3 women get Implantation bleeding. It can be thick/stringy. The colour can be brown/pink/red. It can happen up2 3 days. Mine was 11 days after my period so I don't know maybe in the middle of your menstrual cycle or just before your due on.Hope I helpFrom Pink PrincessANSWER:From what I have read from people who have actually experienced this, it varies. Some people notice a light pink, pale red, or brown blood. It may or may not be accompanied by cramps. It can last from 1-3 days approximately. About 1/4-1/3 of pregnant women experience something that could be call implantation bleeding. It is light, may only be noticeable on toilet paper or might be a little on a panty liner but never a lot of blood.
Hello. Yes you could still be pregnant but because of the amount of bleeding you had, you really need to see your doctor for a blood test to see if you are still pregnant. ANSWER GO and see a doctor you might be having periods while pregnant
you should go to a doctor. it could be an ectopic pregnancy which is very dangerous. just to be on the safe side have a doctor check you out and make sure your hcg levels are normal for your stage of pregnancy. good luck.. hope all is ok.
it could be, if it is light pink and not heavy. answer If your on the pill it can mess up your periods so if your on the pill that won't surprise me if your worried go see a doctor or take a pregnancy test. Implanation bleeding is a spot of blood which there's no flow to it. Hope I help. From Pink Princess
hi, ok, i think im about 5 days late not sure, but i started to have pinkish light red spotting with cramping, and then it turned to dark brown spotting which is very light. i dont know wheter this is considered a period or if im pregnant, im not sure exactly when the last day of my period was, just know it was sometime in nov the middle to the end, usually im at the end of the month. whatcha think? ANSWER Implantation bleeding is a tiny spot of blood which can happen up2 3 days. it can be stringy or thick. The colour can be pink/red/brown. Go to the doctors if your worried or go get a pregnancy test. From pink princess
Spotting is normal before your period, it's just the start of your period as the uterine lining starts to shed. You can also get spotting after your period, or mid-cycle spotting around the time of ovulation.
implantation bleeding should be light pinkish and last a day Answer Hi it should last from a day or 3 Mine was stringy pink blood in discharge which lasted a day. Its nothing like a period its not heavy its just a spot of blood really which 1 in 3 women get at the beginning of pregnancy. From Pink princess