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No Slave Would Get better They Don't get Special Attention!!

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Q: When slaves got sick what helped them get better?
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What would happen if slaves got sick on a slave ship?

If the slaves were sick, they would usually be thrown offboard and left to swim. This is because no-one would want to buy the sick slaves.

What happened to roman slaves when they got sick?

They either got well as they worked, or they died.

What would happen if slaves got sick?

they would be killed but no one would help them because they were considered trash. They might be helped if they were specially bred to be strong or fast or something just because they were worth more.

What happened to sick slaves during the middle passage?

A lot of them died. A few got better. However, they were unlikely to receive any medical treatment. Live or die.

What do they do to sick slaves?

it depends on where you were. If you where a slave coming over to north America on a ship to be sold and you got sick before you reached land they would simply throw you overboard as they wouldn't want a sick slave to get all the other slaves sick. (Sickness would spread very quickly aboard slave ships as slaves were being stuffed into small rooms) If a slave became ill on a plantation it would have to be immediately reported to the overseer or master. The mistress of the plantation was usually responsible for the sick slaves.

Become a guy like Steve Irwin?

Because he did save animals around the world and helped when animals got sick and helping them get to hospital. Schipter Because he did save animals around the world and helped when animals got sick and helping them get to hospital. Schipter

What happens if the gold miners got sick?

they got these leaf things and then pressed until it got better and then they took it of there was no docter and no hospitial

African-american woman who helped many slaves escape?

one white lady that,had got along with them. one white lady that,had got along with them.

How do they solve the problem in Junie B Jones Shipwrecked?

Sick kids got better

Why do Irish immigrates want to go to America?

The potatoes famine. the Irish got sick from the potatoes

What is Chad in from slavery to freedom?

from when the slaves rebelled and got tired of your work you all fat sick me dont know me dummy you arr vas legas

What can cause a animal to have to be put down?

old age,or got ran over by a car,or just got really sick and can't get better