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Q: When should cardiac pacing be administered to a patient with symptomatic bradycardia with a pulse?
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Related questions

What medication is administered to a patient prior to a cardiac catheterization?

A mild sedative may be given that will allow the patient to relax but remain conscious during the test.

What pulse rate does a patient have to have to be considered bradycardia?

Less than 60

What pre-testing will a patient being considered for a pacemaker undergo prior to surgery?

Patients being considered for pacemaker implantation will undergo a full battery of cardiac tests, including an electrocardiogram (ECG) or an electrophysiological study or both, to fully evaluate the bradycardia or tachycardia.

What is patient receiving t-pa cardiac tissue reperfusion will result in?

cardiac dysrhythmias

Should the single fist thrust ever be used on a cardiac patient prior to CPR?

NO: A single blow to the chest of a cardiac patient should not be used

How can you revive a patient from cardiac arrest?

cardiopulmonary resuscitation is the most effective treatment for cardiac arrest.

How will a patient be treated after a heart-lung transplantation?

The patient will be treated in the intensive care unit upon completion of the surgery, and cardiac monitoring will be continued. Medications for cardiac support will be continued until cardiac function stabilizes.

What exercise is recommended after a patient completes a cardiac rehabilitation program?

Once discharged from the hospital, the patient works with his cardiac team to create an individual exercise plan.

What type of meds use for premature atrial contractions?

Typically beta blockers, but only if the patient is symptomatic.

What does a patient have to do during cardiac rehab?

There are many activities that a patient has to do during cardiac rehab. Some of these activities help improve cardiovascular health, such as as running, and daily exercise activities

Which is the most significant complication of prolonged suctioning of trauma patients?

Bradycardia is wrong. In a trauma patient hypoxia is the the MOST significant complication!

What type of shock does cardiac tamponade predispose a patient to?
