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Q: When a patient begins to feel faint in what position should the patient be placed?
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They should be placed on there back. (The supine position)

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It should be 'an', as the word 'engineer' begins with a vowel.

What position should a dyspneic client be in?

The preferred position of comfort for most patients with respiratory distress is the Fowler's position (sitting up). A prone, supine, or lateral recumbent position would make it more difficult for the patient to breathe.

How should a shock victim be placed?

on their back in a laying position

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, thet most recent set of info should be placed on top.

When you have placed an aed on a patient and it delivered a shock what should you do next?

Resume CPR immediately.

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What position should a patient never be in when having blood drawn?

Sitting or lying down

Can an unconscious person turn over?

An unconscious person cannot willfully turn themselves over. However, an unconscious patient should be placed on their side in the recovery position, provided there is no clinical evidence of a cervical spine injury that may compromise life. This position allows any vomit to clear from the patient's airway, and to avoid the tongue falling back and potentially causing an airway blockage.

What position should a patient be in when a suppository is administered?

The best position to place a client when administering a suppository is the left side, with the knees to their abdomen.